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57 pounds
Dog Owner:
Split Mountain Doodles

Pepper is a dream dog. She is beautiful, happy, loving and is always up for a good cuddle. She always looks like she is smiling and she is super goofy. She likes to accompany her family on all kinds of adventures, including hiking, and swimming.
She is just the sweetest girl, and one of the most adorable things about her is that she will lay her head on your lap and melt into you. It’s impossible to feel lonely or sad with her around.

Current litter from


Pepper doesn't currently have a litter of puppies.

Previous litters from


No items found.

Hi! I’m Melissa and I’ve been breeding puppies for over 8 years. If you have any questions about my moms and dads, feel free to get in touch with me. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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 is pregnant!
About Pepper (Mom)
57 pounds
Dog Owner:
Split Mountain Doodles

Pepper is a dream dog. She is beautiful, happy, loving and is always up for a good cuddle. She always looks like she is smiling and she is super goofy. She likes to accompany her family on all kinds of adventures, including hiking, and swimming.
She is just the sweetest girl, and one of the most adorable things about her is that she will lay her head on your lap and melt into you. It’s impossible to feel lonely or sad with her around.

About  (Dad)
Dog Owner:

Upcoming Litter Details

Expected Weight:
Due Date:
Approx. Take Home Date:
Pepper doesn't currently have a litter of puppies.

Previous litters from


No items found.

Hi! I’m Melissa and I’ve been breeding puppies for over 8 years. If you have any questions about my moms and dads, feel free to get in touch with me. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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