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Golden Retriever
48 pounds
Dog Owner:
Split Mountain Doodles

Sadie is our sweet golden retriever who loves people!  She has such playful energy and a gentle nature. She can always sense when someone needs comfort, often resting her head on our lap. Sadie has limitless energy & is adventurous & curious. She is a constant source of happiness and companionship. ❤️

Current litter from


Sadie doesn't currently have a litter of puppies.

Previous litters from


No items found.

Hi! I’m Melissa and I’ve been breeding puppies for over 8 years. If you have any questions about my moms and dads, feel free to get in touch with me. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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 is pregnant!
About Sadie (Mom)
Golden Retriever
48 pounds
Dog Owner:
Split Mountain Doodles

Sadie is our sweet golden retriever who loves people!  She has such playful energy and a gentle nature. She can always sense when someone needs comfort, often resting her head on our lap. Sadie has limitless energy & is adventurous & curious. She is a constant source of happiness and companionship. ❤️

About  (Dad)
Dog Owner:

Upcoming Litter Details

Expected Weight:
Due Date:
Approx. Take Home Date:
Sadie doesn't currently have a litter of puppies.

Previous litters from


No items found.

Hi! I’m Melissa and I’ve been breeding puppies for over 8 years. If you have any questions about my moms and dads, feel free to get in touch with me. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Get in touch